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Department of Spatial Planning
Welcome to the IPS research group!

Find out more about our teaching and research dealing with urban change and planning across the globe!

At the International Planning Studies (IPS) research group, we emphasise diverse perspectives on urbanization and spatial planning across the world. IPS focuses on infrastructure, mobility, housing, and governance. 

Headed by Prof. Dr. Sophie Schramm, IPS is also responsible for the international Master's degree program SPRING.

News and events


Presentation of the ICOLMA project at DOKORP

The ICOLMA project organized a dedicated panel at the DOKORP Conference, held on 11 and 12 February 2025 at TU Dortmund University
Room with people listening to a person presenting the ICOLMA research project

New publication by Katrin Gliemann

The article deals with the discrimination of people with a history of migration on the housing market
Wide view of the Phoenixsee area in Dortmund

New article by D. Nthoki Nyamai

The article analyses the mobility problems of Block H residents in Rehoboth, Namibia, and shows ways to improve access and public transport
People on a street in Windhoek, Namibia (2023)

ICOLMA Final Consortium Meeting

The ICOLMA consortium met in TU Dortmund at the Department of International Planning Studies from 26th to 28th November 2024
Picture of 11 people who are part of the ICOLMA research project in a lecture room in Dortmund, Germany (2024)

Raffael Beier gives guest lecture at the University of Stuttgart

The guest lecture will take place on 11 December 2024 on "Why low-income people leave state housing in South Africa"
Several small huts in the area of Khayelitsha in Cape Town

New article by Raffael Beier

Marginalized population groups have been struggling to find a decent permanent home in urban areas. Increasingly and recurrently they are affected by…

List of Thesis Topic Proposals updated

You don't have a topic for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis yet? Then let yourself be inspired by our list of Thesis Topic Proposals!
news-icon dissertation display

Raffael Beier gives lecture at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Tübingen

As part of the G-TURN lecture series, he will give a guest lecture on "The Missing People of State-subsidized Housing" on 27 June 2024
Street with so-aclled 'Condominiums' in the suburb of Tulu Dimtu, part of the Addis Ababa metropolitan area in Ethiopia

New commentary by Sophie Schramm

In the commentary, she takes a critical look at the term co-production
Small residential buildings and a street in Soweto in Johannesburg