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Department of Spatial Planning

News and events from the research group

Participate in the discussion on "The Importance of Heritage for Sustainable Development in Urban Ethiopia"

  • Archiv
  • Forschung
  • Fachgebiet
Poster for the panel on 24.05.2023 © Genet Alem​/​ TU Dortmund
Information poster for the panel "The importance of heritage for sustainable development in urban Ethiopia" on 24.05.2023

To support the publication of the book titled “The Addis Ababa House: A typological Analysis of Urban Heritage in Ethiopia” by Arch. Piet Nieder, a panel discussion is organised at TU Berlin on 24 May 2023, 7:00 PM.

The panel features Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz (Habitat Unit, TU Berlin), Prof. Fabienne Hoelzel (ABK Stuttgart), Prince Asfa-Wossen Asserate (Author and Consultant), Dr. Genet Alem (IPS, TU Dortmund University) and Dr. Nicole Baron (Bauhaus University Weimar).

Join us and take part in discussing “The Importance of Heritage for Sustainable Development in Ethiopia” in the “Forum” (Institut für Architektur, Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin) and online on zoom. Meeting-ID: 649 1540 1405, Password: 537950.

The panel is organised by GTE (Gebäudetechnik und Energie) at TU Berlin. For more information on the book and panel, please contact: niedertu-berlinde or visit the crowdfunding here.