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Invitation to the exhibition "Momentaufnahme" by Nick Nowara
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Challenges in Cities of the Global South
Exhibition: 28.08.2023 - 01.09.2023 | daily 9am - 6pm
The photo exhibition "Momentaufnahme" shows motives from the urban periphery of the Peruvian capital Lima. The metropolis with well over ten million inhabitants is an example of a divided society. Poverty and wealth, indigenous and colonial heritage manifest themselves in buildings such as the so-called "Wall of Shame". This kilometre-long border wall separates rich and poor; on one side an unreal desert and scree landscape, on the other green oases with bright blue swimming pools. And yet it is only one of many examples that Nick Nowara visits as part of his field research. The PhD student at the Technical University of Dortmund is studying marginalised neighbourhoods in Lima and capturing his impressions of impressive landscapes and sometimes oppressive living realities in photographs. In the marginalised areas of Lima and in urban society, there is more at stake than just poverty or inequality. The exhibition tries to give an insight into this world and is accompanied by lecture evenings and thematic film screenings. The speakers include (post-)doctoral students from the Faculty of Spatial Planning and the Faculty of Social Sciences at TU Dortmund University.
Lecture evenings: 28.08.2023 - 01.09.2023 | daily from 6pm
With Dr. Genet Alem, Janek Becker, Dr. Raffael Beier, Sofia Bonilla, Dr. Juan Du, Dr. Carlos Manzano, Nick Nowara und Dorcas Nthoki Nyamai.
The world's population is growing and with it the cities. Worldwide, more than four billion people now live in cities. That is more than 50 percent. And there is no end in sight to urban growth in the coming decades. This development poses great challenges for politics and society. Countries in large parts of Latin America, Africa and Asia are particularly affected, but also some countries in Europe. Whether lack of affordable housing, environmental pollution or social justice - the challenges are manifold. While rapid urbanisation is an important topic in scientific discourse, in international cooperation and in practice on the ground, there is at the same time a lack of empirically sound knowledge. In the participating faculties of spatial planning and social sciences and beyond, numerous young researchers and students are dealing with the challenges of the Global South, drawing on their own empirical surveys. During the event, some of these doctoral students and postdocs will present the interim status and results of their research. The topics range from housing, segregation, leisure, mobility to the collaborative production of public spaces and present challenges for planning and urban development that transcend continents.
The event is aimed at people from academia and practice, students, and especially the general public. We hope for a correspondingly diverse audience, including German as well as international academics and students. We are therefore very pleased to have the opportunity to present current research and thematic discourses in the city centre of Dortmund.
Further information is available here.