Call for Papers: Special Issue on Comparative Urban Research
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Prof. Dr. Sophie Schramm (IPS) and Dr. Nadine Appelhans (TU Berlin) are the editors of a special issue in the Journal Urban Planning on "Between the “Structural” and the “Everyday”: Bridging Macro and Micro Perspectives in Comparative Urban Research."
For the special issue they invite contributions focusing on one or more of the following questions:
- Which particular methods, sets of methods, and research designs lend themselves to understanding cities through everyday practices as well as structural forces?
- Which methods allow comparative urban research that pays attention to the common trends as well as to the particularities of cities?
- What are suggestions for expanding criteria of urban comparison and proposals for heterodox descriptions of city-networks?
You may submit your abstract between 1 Dec and 15 Dec 2022. The special issue will be published in late 2023. All further details on the Call for Papers/Abstract can be found here: Link.