Archived news and events
New article by Raffael Beier
The article deals with the different views and experiences of shantytown dwellers regarding resettlement in Casablanca.
Invitation to participate in the online symposium on "Flow/ Overflow/ Shortage: measuring and managing extreme urban conditions"
The symposium, co-organised by Moritz Kasper, will take place on 24 and 25 May 2023, from 13:00 to 17:30 CET
Participate in the discussion on "The Importance of Heritage for Sustainable Development in Urban Ethiopia"
The panel will be held on 24 May 2023 at the TU Berlin and invites (online) participants
F14 Project "Hello from the other side" took an excursion to Normandy
The student research project gained insights into barrier-free urban design in Évreux
Nick Nowara receives research funding
He successfully applied for research funding within the framework of the Peruvian funding programme "Concurso de Investigación 2023
Seminar in Addis Ababa on housing programs and the people missing in them
On April 03, 2023 Raffael Beier and colleagues will hold a seminar at the CFEE in Addis Ababa
New article by Dorcas Nthoki Nyamai
The article deals with walking in Nairobi in the context of social justice
F02 Project "My Way or the Highway" in Namibia
The student research project went on an excursion to Namibia
CfP (online symposium): "Flow/ Overflow/ Shortage: on measuring and managing extreme urban conditions"
Moritz Kasper co-organizes an online symposium on 24. & 25. May 2023