Key topics at IPS
We offer thesis supervision (in English and German) to Bachelor and Masters students, who are interested in topics such as urban change, planning, and governance; as well as mobilities, infrastructure and housing. The geographical focus is open.
Our interdisciplinary perspective opens a variety of methodological approaches; in principle, theoretical and empirical material should be combined. The main topics listed in the PDF have a guiding propose only.
- List of Thesis Topic Proposals (09/2024) PDF (192 KB)
Selected student projects from recent years

MA-Thesis - Rassismuskritisch beteiligen

BA-Thesis - Queere Liebe in der Stadt

BA-Thesis - Elektroautos als Energiespeicher

BA-Thesis - Auf dem Weg zur Smart City

MA-Thesis - Hand in Hand durch die Wohnungsnot?

A-Project - Dortmunder Kiosk-Kultur

F-Project - There is an app for that
A-Projekt - Dortmunder Kiosk-Kultur
F-Projekt - There is an app for that
The interdisciplinary diversity of the department is reflected in previous theses. These are often characterised by a multi-scalar perspective, examining global issues (such as migration) in terms of their local impacts. The geographical focus ranges from Dortmund to various cities and regions in the global South.